Our Products and MTD

Making Tax Digital  

To satisfy the requirements of Making Tax Digital [MTD] for VAT we have Updated our own products and partnered with Absolute Excel VAT Filer to provide the ‘Bridging Software’ link to HMRC. 

So, how does it all work and what do I need to do …

Your Mr.SpreadSheet Accounting product has been updated to contain an automated procedure to extract salient VAT information which will be used by the ‘Bridging Software’ to submit your Quarterly Returns.

Then, on each of the Quarterly VAT worksheets within your Mr.SpreadSheet product, a new VBA object button has been added. Simply click on this button to generate the VAT information ready for the ‘Bridging Software’ to pick up. 

From the Mr.SpreadSheet product this is all you need do.

So prior to going live we strongly recommend that you take the time to FULLY evaluate and TEST the entire MTD Process from within your Mr.Spreadsheet product and into the MTD Bridging Software.


Finally, as the MTD process continues, we will keep all registered users updated with product developments and relevant MTD news. 

Please email mail@MrSpreadSheet.co.uk for further guidance or help.


For information, HMRC only require the 9-Box totals to be submitted under the new MTD system. There are currently no plans by HMRC to implement a mandatory requirement to submit transaction level details (Supplementary Information) that support the 9-box totals.
This product contains a customised application developed in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). 
Important note  - you must have Excel 2010 or above [Includes Excel Office 365] installed.

Useful Links:

  1. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/making-tax-digital-how-vat-businesses-and-other-vat-entities-can-get-ready/making-tax-digital-how-vat-businesses-and-other-vat-entities-can-get-ready